ESR 9 – Bioactive Phosphate Glass

Agata Łapa – University of Erlangen-Nuremberg and Lucideon Ltd

The Project:  The project is to manufacture new bioactive phosphate glasses with antibacterial properties for medical application.  For almost 100 years phosphate bases glasses have been widely used in industrial because of their good optical properties.  However, in recent years they have been investigated for medical application especially in bone tissue engineering, wound healing or nerve regeneration.  Incorporation of new elements may improve biological response, enhance proliferation or reinforce materials.  This project will focus on antibacterial phosphate glasses based on quaternary system P2O5‑CaO‑Na2O‑MgO.

During this studies novel glasses will be characterised using technology including nano/microscopy, surface science and X-ray analysis.  The antibacterial effect will be evaluated by a series of in vitro testing methods.

The Researcher:  Agata Lapa from Poland is a PhD Student at Institute of Biomaterials, Department of Materials Science and Engineering University of Erlangen-Nuremberg, taking part in ESR9 HyMedPoly project.  She graduated AGH University of Science and Technology in Krakow, where she was living for 5 years.  Agata finished as MSc Eng. of Biomedical Engineering with specialisation on Biomaterials.  Her master thesis was realized in cooperation with Gent University Belgium under supervision of Dr Timothy EL Douglas and Prof Elzbieta Pamula.  Biomaterials interested her from very beginning of her studies, both master and bachelor theses were focused on ceramic-polymer composition for bone regeneration.

For 2 years Agata was a member of Students Scientific Association “Nucleus” at AGH University of Technology and Science in Krakow and until May 2014 she had been continuing research under PhD Justyna Pawlik supervision.  Results of her studies were presented twice on Student Scientific Conferences at AGH University of Technology and Science in 16th May 2013 and 8th May 2014 when her presentation entitled “Improving the Method for Formation Bioactive Polymer Composites” was awarded (2014).

Agata´s hobbies are all kinds of outdoor activities: skiing, swimming, climbing and sailing however her greatest passion is scuba diving.  For 3 years she was a board member of nonprofit student organisation AKP KRAB AGH which goals are to popularise diving and organise diving courses or trips.  During that time she was able to meet a lot of inspiring people, visit outstanding places and taking part with many both cultural and charity events.

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